Nei ka noho i te roro o tōku whare, ko Te Morehu
Ko tōna pou-kaiāwhā, ko Tamaūpoko
Ko āna uri ka toro, ka noho ki uta, ki tai !
Nau mai, haere atu rā ko tōna reo pōhiri
Ki a kautau te whānau, ngā hapū me ngā kairangahau,
Ki te whiriwhiri kōrero, ki te whakatakoto huarahi,
Kia awhi i a Papatūānuku e takoto ake nei,
I ngā manga iti, i ngā manga nui o Te Awa Tupua
E rere atu rā ki Te Mimi o Rere-ō-maki, kia a Ruaka
Tīhei mauri ora !
Friday 22 – Saturday 23 November 2024 (8:30am pōhiri)
Rānana Marae 4475 Whanganui Road Rānana Whanganui River
Participants: Whānau/hapū of Tamaūpoko tupuna rohe, land managers, researchers, landowners and community
Purpose: To ignite the conversation around the issue of suspended sediment on freshwater values in the Tamaūpoko tupuna rohe of the Whanganui catchment and explore future solutions.
Please note:
Introduction: The Whanganui catchment faces significant challenges in improving the health and well-being of its waterways, with high suspended sediment loads being one of the most pressing issues. In response, Te Rūnanga o Tamaūpoko is collaborating with the Department of Conservation’s (DOC) Ngā Awa river restoration programme to gather, present, and synthesize advice on this issue. The Access to Freshwater Experts (A2E) service is providing expertise to support this collaboration.
The wānanga will consist of sessions focused on different aspects of the suspended sediment issue. The format includes presentations, panel discussions with local experts, and interactive Q&A segments. Wānanga sessions will include the following kaupapa:
We look forward to your participation and contribution to this important discussion, which will shape the future of our Whanganui River and its surrounding whenua.
Kāti rā, e te huihuinga, e te tuituinga
Nau mai, haere mai, e rarau !