He Kokonga Ngākau: Māori Ways of Healing, Recovery, and Well-being Research Programme 2017-2021 | Health Research Council of New Zealand This research programme considers Māori ways of healing, recovery, and well-being through four individual research projects, housed under the research programme. These projects are and their research questions are: Whakamanu Research Project: How can whānau, hapū, and iwi can create Kaupapa Māori preservation and protection methodologies and practices through archiving their own taonga on marae? Whakapapa Research Project: What is whānau research, and how is whānau research conducted? Why is whānau storytelling important? What challenges are evident within whānau narratives, and what whānau-led responses can be garnered? Whakarauora Research Project: What knowledge and methods were used by our tūpuna to construct, utilise, and preserve items used for fishing? Whakatika Research Project: What are the Māori experiences of racism within Aotearoa/New Zealand?