Kai governance, kai sovereignty, and the (re)production of kai: He moumou kai, he moumou tāngata – Enhancing culturally matched outcomes 2018-2020 | Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga Lead Researchers: Fiona Wiremu, Dr Rāwiri Tinirau Research questions: In what ways do current western systems impact on Māori kai producing assets, such as whenua, wai, and moana? How can Māori regain control of kai within the western politics of food? How do Māori maintain control of traditional and customary ways of growing, harvesting, distributing, and preparing kai? This research aims to develop a ‘collective framework’ incorporating āhuatanga Māori, according to tikanga Māori, for testing on case studies that will enable Māori to protect and reclaim control over kai; a transforming framework that has, at its core, mātauranga Māori kai governance, systems of kai control, and engagement in the (re)production of kai.