This research examined the history of Pākaitore. The findings from the research will inform the work and strategic plan of the Pākaitore Historic Reserve Board and, in particular, the three key actions outlined below:

  • Build the bridge of understanding between the iwi and wider community.
  • Improve functionality.
  • Preserve and restore historical monuments and features.


Research outputs:

Pākaitore: A History

Pākaitore Historic Reserve Board

This report examines the history of Pākaitore. The report is divided into five historical periods and provides an overview of the key monuments within the Pākaitore site. The five historical periods outlined are:

  1. Hapū and iwi affiliation and usage of Pākaitore
  2. Settlement of Whanganui
  3. Legislation and reclamation of land
  4. Monuments and events of significance
  5. The Pākaitore Land Reassertion of Hapū and Iwi Ownership (28 February 1995)

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