Health and Well-being of Māori Prisoners on Reintegration to the Community 2011–2016 | Health Research Council of New Zealand Lead Researcher: Dr Cherryl Smith This project surveyed fifty male and fifty female former Māori prisoners from Whanganui, Manawatū, and Waikato iwi. This survey measured the impact of historical trauma, examined dislocation from hapū/self-knowledge, and identified successful reintegration back into the community. Research outputs: Intergenerational Transmission of gang involvement and incarceration Andre McLachlan This presentation is a review of the current clinical practice of address intergeneration transmission of gang involvement and incarceration. The presentation discusses the impact of parental incarceration, incarcerated youth and gang affiliation, healing intergenerational trauma, and identifies various challenges and recommendations for comprehensive healing. Viet it here Health and Wellbeing of Māori after prison Helena Rattray This presentation gives background information and context into the research question and summarises the methodology and findings. Findings note the positive outcomes from reconnection to cultural identity and long-term navigation support when reintegrating into the community. View it here