Tō Tātou Hokakatanga: Action and Intervention in Sexual and Reproductive Health 2006-2007 | Health Research Council of New Zealand Researchers: Justin Gush, Jim Puki, Dr Cherryl Smith, Dr Paul Reynolds The research identified key issues and developed rangatahi-focused educational resources for Te Puawai Tapu: Kaupapa Māori Sexuality Services. The educational resources that were created from the findings are: Whitiāhua (film): Te Ira Tangata Mahi Toi (artwork): Te Timatanga Waiata (song/music): Deciphering Symbols Research outputs: Ki te Matau: Tō Tātou Hokakatanga: Action and Intervention in Sexual Reproduction Health Report Dr Cherryl Smith, Dr Paul Reynolds This report provides a Kaupapa Māori analysis of the area of sexual and reproductive health. It provides a critical focus on understanding disparities and informing the development of interventions appropriate to meeting the sexual and reproductive health needs of Māori. View it here Te Ira Tangata Justin Gush Kaa Williams graced us with her beautiful whakaaro with regards to this kaupapa. Robyn Kahukiwa also gave permission to utilise her wonderful artwork from her book ‘Oriori’ a Māori child is born. Te Timatanga Cheyden Waitai This painting originated through an interview with Tāmati Kruger and his whakaaro. This painting was utilised as a visual for the film and cover for CD. Deciphering Symbols Maaka Pohatu, William Cassidy A composition based on the kōrero of Tāmati Kruger.