• Publications

Rangatiratanga: Narratives of Racism, Resistance, and Well-being

The Whakatika Research Project is a four-year project, undertaken by Independent Mā...

  • Publications

Whakatika Report

This report aims to do justice to the over 2,000 Māori who comp...

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Research 101 Hacks are on their way!

Our Research 101 Hacks will break down the research process; detailing each aspect from planni...

  • Publications

He Rau Murimuri Aroha

This publication includes contributions from several Māori women scholars active in research a...

  • Publications

He Ara Uru Ora: Traditional Māori understandings of trauma and well-being

This publication was written by master carver and teacher of traditional Māori navigation, Dr ...

  • Publications

Positioning historical trauma theory in Aotearoa NZ

This article explores the relevance of historical trauma theory for Māori research. In explori...

  • Digital Storytelling

Te Hikoi – The Journey

Story of Christine Waitai-Rapana’s experience on the journey with the First Nations of T...

  • Digital Storytelling

Reconnections to Te Reo Māori

Dr Cherryl Smith shares a story of reconnection to te reo Māori following a generational disco...

  • Digital Storytelling

Reconnections to Whenua

Dr Paul Reynolds shares a story of reconnection to whenua following a generational disconnecti...

  • Publications

Māori cultural definitions of sexual violence

Exploring definitions of sexual violence in Aotearoa highlights that on the whole such definit...

  • Publications

Understanding Māori ‘lived’ culture to determine cultural connectedness and wellbeing

Māori tribal authorities have sought to measure the well-being of their people as a baseline f...

  • Publications

Towards a social-structural model for understanding current disparities in Māori health and well-being

Colonisation has resulted in Māori occupying a vulnerable position in Aotearoa/New Zealand soc...

  • Presentations

Whenua, Historical trauma, and Health Outcomes project

  This output is a presentation that summarises the purpose and methodology of the...

  • Publications

Grow your own kai

Written by passionate gardener and cook, this book is an introduction into the distinctive met...

  • Publications

Traditional Māori growing practises: a literature review

This report analyses the literature and stands as an introduction to growing, harvesting, cult...

  • Publications

Tupuna – Ngā Kaitiaki Mokopuna: A resource for Māori grandparents

A resource for Māori grandparents is the outcome of qualitative research led by Dr Cherryl Smi...

  • Digital Storytelling

Grandparents Raising Mokopuna

A short film produced by Nathanael Scurr & directed by Dr Cherryl Smith for the Grandparen...

  • Digital Storytelling

Māori Vietnam Veterans

Te Atawhai o Te Ao is committed to supporting our Māori Vietnam veterans. We have conducted fi...