He Kokonga Ngākau Research Programme

He Kokonga Ngākau: Māori Ways of Healing, Recovery, and Well-being Research Programme

2017-2021 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

This research programme considers Māori ways of healing, recovery, and well-being through four...

Whakamanu: Marae/Hapū Archiving

2017-2021 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

Research question: How can whānau, hapū, and iwi create Kaupapa Māori preservation and protec...

Whakapapa: Whānau Narratives

2017-2021 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

Research questions: What is whānau research, and how is whānau research conducted? Why is whā...

Whakarauora: Whanganui Customary Fishing

2017-2021 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

Research question: What knowledge and methods were used by our tūpuna to construct, utilise, ...

Whakatika: Māori Experiences of Racism

2017-2021 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

Research question: What are the Māori experiences of racism within Aotearoa/New Zealand?...

He Waka Eke Noa

2019–2022 | Ngā Wai a Te Tūī, Unitec Institute of Technology Ltd

This research project investigates the role of Māori cultural approaches to violence preventio...

Kai governance, kai sovereignty, and the (re)production of kai: He moumou kai, he moumou tāngata – Enhancing culturally matched outcomes

2018-2020 | Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga

Research questions: In what ways do current western systems impact on Māori kai producing ass...

He Kokonga Whare Research Programme

He Kokonga Whare: Māori Intergenerational Trauma and Healing Research Programme

2011–2016 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

This research programme considered Māori intergenerational trauma and healing to generate new ...

Whenua, Historical Trauma, and Health Outcomes

2011–2016 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

This project conceptualised and measured historical trauma by examining land alienation among ...

Health and Well-being of Māori Prisoners on Reintegration to the Community

2011–2016 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

This project surveyed fifty male and fifty female former Māori prisoners from Whanganui, Manaw...

Impact of Sexual Violence on Māori

2011–2016 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

This project explored key healing practices and mātauranga Māori solutions for Māori sexual vi...

Māori Narratives of Trauma and Wellness

2011–2016 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

This project gathered the narratives of Māori views and experiences of wellness following trau...

Other Projects


2018–2020 | Pākaitore Historic Reserve Board

This research examined the history of Pākaitore. The findings from the research will inform th...

Te Ara Hā Asthma Self-Management Programme

2016-2018 | In association with Dr Tristram Ingham and Bernadette Jones of University of Otago

This research generated new knowledge through a culturally-appropriate asthma support programm...

He Kura: Asthma Support for Māori Tamariki at School

2015-2017 | In association with Dr Tristram Ingham and Bernadette Jones, University of Otago

This three-year project aimed to improve asthma knowledge by identifying the specific needs of...

Māori Organic Standard for Food Production


This project focused on the importance of growing good kai for whānau, hapū, and iwi. The rese...

He Mokopuna He Tupuna: Health and Well-being of Grandparents Raising Mokopuna

2008–2010 | Erihapeti Murchie

This project investigated the health and well-being of grandparents raising mokopuna. Within M...

Taiohi Māori Film

2008 | Mā Te Reo

This project produced three short te reo Māori films as a medium to promote and strengthen the...