This project interviewed forty-one Māori Vietnam veterans, and investigated their health as a ...
The research project described the views of Māori toward involuntary, chronic chemical exposur...
The project looked at traditional lands used by our tūpuna within the Ngā Wairiki-Ngāti Apa re...
This project began with discussions with whānau which highlighted a lack of shared information...
The research identified key issues and developed rangatahi-focused educational resources for T...
This research project investigates the role of Māori cultural approaches to violence preventio...
Research questions: In what ways do current western systems impact on Māori kai producing ass...
This research looks to generate new knowledge through a culturally-appropriate asthma support ...
This three-year project aims to improve asthma knowledge by identifying the specific needs of ...
This project conceptualised and measured historical trauma by examining land alienation among ...
This project explored key healing practices and mātauranga Māori solutions for Māori sexual vi...