Māori Vietnam Veterans

2007–2008 | In association with Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga

This project interviewed forty-one Māori Vietnam veterans, and investigated their health as a ...

Health, Cultural, and Social Experiences of Māori Affected by Chemical-related Illness Toxins

2006-2008 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

The research project described the views of Māori toward involuntary, chronic chemical exposur...


2006–2008 | Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga

The project looked at traditional lands used by our tūpuna within the Ngā Wairiki-Ngāti Apa re...

Māori Views and Experiences of Fertility, Reproduction, and Assisted Reproductive Technologies

2006–2008 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

This project began with discussions with whānau which highlighted a lack of shared information...

Tō Tātou Hokakatanga: Action and Intervention in Sexual and Reproductive Health

2006-2007 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

The research identified key issues and developed rangatahi-focused educational resources for T...

He Waka Eke Noa

2019–2022 | Ngā Wai a Te Tūī, Unitec Institute of Technology Ltd

This research project investigates the role of Māori cultural approaches to violence preventio...

Kai governance, kai sovereignty, and the (re)production of kai: He moumou kai, he moumou tāngata – Enhancing culturally matched outcomes

2018-2020 | Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga

Research questions: In what ways do current western systems impact on Māori kai producing ass...

Te Ara Hā Asthma Self-Management Programme

2016-2018 | In association with Dr. Tristram Ingham and Bernadette Jones of University of Otago

This research looks to generate new knowledge through a culturally-appropriate asthma support ...

He Kura: Asthma Support for Māori Tamariki at School

2015-2017 | In association with Dr Tristram Ingham and Bernadette Jones, University of Otago

This three-year project aims to improve asthma knowledge by identifying the specific needs of ...

Whenua, Historical Trauma, and Health Outcomes

2011–2016 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

This project conceptualised and measured historical trauma by examining land alienation among ...

Impact of Sexual Violence on Māori

2011–2016 | Health Research Council of New Zealand

This project explored key healing practices and mātauranga Māori solutions for Māori sexual vi...